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What To Do When An Intruder Breaks In

No matter how good your home security is, break ins are still possible. Knowing what to do in case of a break in can make a whole lot of difference and can save you and your loved ones.


Your safety is important to us. We've listed down some helpful tips to keep in mind before, during and after a break in.


Make a plan. Preparedness saves lives. Discuss with your family what your plan of action is in case of a break in so everyone knows what to do.


Assign a safe room. In case of a break in, have your family members go to the safe room. This safe room should be easily accessible to everyone and must have a sturdy door and deadbolts, hinges and locks that work properly. Have a cellphone inside the room at all times (make sure it is charged and working). Assign tasks to your older children – like making sure a fully charged and working cellphone is available. This is extremely important so you can call for help, even if the intruders cut your phone line. Never try to be a hero and leave the safe room at any time. Wait until the police arrives before opening your door.


Have a safety weapon and know how to use it. Most people who own licensed firearms often do not know how to use it. Take lessons so if the time comes that you'd need to fire your gun, you would know how. An important thing to remember, however, is that you should keep your firearms away from the reach of your children. If you have a safe in your designated safe room, best to keep it there. If you are against firearms, invest in a high quality pepper spray that can cause harm to your intruder and allow you to run away.


Stay quiet. Once in your safe room, try and not make any noise that will give away your location or alert the intruder of where you are.


Unless you are in a life threatening situation, do not take aggressive action. If you are forced to, wait for an opportunity when the intruder lets down his guard. Target the eyes and other sensitive parts of the head. Strike as fast and as hard as you can and once the intruder is down, run to safety.


While escaping is the best thing to do when an intruder comes into your home, sometimes it is impossible to do so. These tips can help you be prepared and save lives.


For more helpful security and safety tups, visit our website at www.cbssecuritysystems.com.

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Thanks for these! My family and I experienced a break in some time last year. We were very scared, but what we did was we hid in one room, locked all doors, barricaded it with heavy furniture and called the police. We all had cellphones and it's interesting how that was the first thing I grabbed from my dresser when the intruder came in! It was what saved us though – we called the police and a few minutes later, they were there to apprehend the intruder. Nothing was taken and everyone was safe!
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